This reel consists of the VFX work done for The Anacrusis at Stray Bombay. The VFX work involved utilizing many of Unreal 4’s features including Cascade particle systems, Niagara particle systems, materials, blueprints and UI widgets, as well as creating any meshes and textures needed for the effects.

  • The Anacrusis is a co-op multiplayer first person shooter developed by Stray Bombay using UE4. VFX seen in this reel were created using a combination of Cascade and Niagara particle systems.

    00:02 - Created the particle systems for the muzzle, spin up, firing, and impact effects using Cascade and Niagara systems. Effects were implemented into the weapon blueprint. Created an animation blueprint for the spin up of the minigun and setup blueprint logic to work with the weapons system. Coordinated with animators, sound design, and engineers for the finished weapon.

    00:07 - Created particle systems for the charge up, beam, impact, decals, and ambient effects on the gun. All particle systems were created using Niagara. Setup blueprint logic to change the state of the ambient effects seen in the interior of the gun.

    00:12 - Created the materials, textures, and particle system for the timer's outer ring. Created a 3D blueprint widget for the numbers to dynamically update the percent progress. Particle systems were created using Cascade.

    00:17 - Created the invisible/dissolving material and coordinated with engineering to implement to material transition. (Not gameplay footage)

    00:23 - Created the character material and smoke particles attached to the enemy. Created a post process material that handled the distortion and darkness. (Not gameplay footage)

    00:26 - Material overlay for the "Goo" status effect. Screen overlays were handled via blueprint widgets.

    00:30 - Material overlay for the "Auto Shield" perk effect. Screen overlays were handled via blueprint widgets.

    00:34 - Created particle systems for the muzzle, rocket trail, and fire for the rocket. Particle systems were created in Cascade. Created and implemented the dynamic material for the ammo count screen.

    00:38 - Secondary effects that spawn from the main rocket when enemies are nearby. Particle systems were created in Cascade.

    00:44 - Particle systems created in Cascade.

This reel has a variety of VFX work done for Life is Strange True Colors at Deck Nine Games. The VFX work involved utilizing many of Unreal 4’s features including Cascade particle systems, materials, and blueprints; as well as creating any meshes, textures, morph targets, and rigid body simulations needed for the effects.

  • Life is Strange: True Colors was created using UE4. The VFX work seen in the video encompasses material work, creating particle systems using UE4's Cascade and implementation using a combination of UE4's blueprint system and in house cinematic tools.

    00:03 - Waterfall particle systems and caustic decals.

    00:07 - Water and blood material, meshes and particle systems.

    00:10 - Wilting flower animation was created using morph targets. Created material and particle systems for the cracks going up the wall.

    00:14 - Dust and wood splinter VFX for when the log breaks.

    00:15 - Various dust particles effects and materials. Rigid body simulations for the rocks in the rockslide were done in Maya.

    00:21 - Glass and refraction particle effect. The movement from the swinging lights were done using a timeline in a blueprint.

    00:24 - Various dust VFX

    00:30 - Smoke materials and meshes were created and animated along a spline using UE4 blueprints along with particle systems for the smoke strands rising at the end.

    00:44 - Cascade particle systems and implementation were handled by myself.

    00:56 - Created a character shell that attached to the character mesh. The material was then created for the glowing character effect.